
Privacy Policy

General Terms and Conditions

Yamakoshi Nouhaku Promotion Council which has its registered offices at 3373-1 Mushigame, Yamakoshi, Niigata, Japan offers travel and destination management services.

This Privacy Policy for Yamakoshi Nouhaku Promotion Council sets forth and safeguards your personal information in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information of Japan, the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures (“Individual Numbers Act”) and our internal policies and rules regarding the protection of personal information.

1, We have taken necessary and appropriate safety management measures to protect personal data, such as preventing leakage, loss, or damage.

2, We collect and use and process your information necessary for membership services (including incentive programs) such as name, phone number, e-mail address, nationality, account ID, password and IP address for the following purposes:

  • Registration, management and guidance on our membership programs
  • Providing our membership services and other related services
  • Considering, preparing, entering into or performing contracts or other relationship
  • Responding to your queries or requirements
  • Maintaining our relations with you or re-establishing our relationships

3, We will provide name, ID, gender, age, address, telephone number, e-mail address, passport information, credit card information, information on emergency contacts, and other necessary personal information by electromagnetic means etc., to facilities for transportation, accommodation facilities, service providers, public offices, etc., to the extent necessary for arrangements for the travel services you have applied for and procedures for receipt of such services

4. We may entrust all or part of the business including handling personal information of customers to a third party for the purpose of arranging travel, managing travel, travel attendance services, intermediary , travel services such as payment of travel expenses, and other our services, and for the purpose of use as described in 2 above or for our businesses. In this case, we will select the such third party based on our standards and entrust the personal information after entering into an agreement including confidentiality.

5. If you wish to inquire about, correct, or delete your own personal information, we will respond to the request after confirming your ID.