
Terms of Use

Article 1 General Provisions

These Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms") shall apply to your use of "Connecting: Yamakoshi" (hereinafter referred to as the "Site").

Article 2 Scope of Application

These Terms and Conditions apply to the use of information and services provided by the Site (hereinafter referred to as the “Service"). By using the Service, any user of the Site (hereinafter referred to as "User"), regardless of whether or not they are members, is deemed to have agreed to these Terms.

Article 3: Usage Environment for the Site

The User shall prepare at his/her own expense the telecommunication equipment, software, telephone subscription, Internet connection contract, etc., necessary to use the Site. In addition, the Usershall bear all communication and connection fees related to the use of the Service.

Article 4 Handling of Personal Information

This organization (hereinafter referred to as the “Organization”) will handle the User's personal information in accordance with the "Privacy Policy" described separately. The User shall provide personal information upon agreeing to the Organization's Privacy Policy.

Article 5 Copyrights, Property Rights, and Other Rights

The copyrights, trademarks, intellectual property rights, portrait rights, and all other rights to the information and screens that make up this site are the property of the Organization.

The transfer, editing, use, duplication, diversion, etc., of all or part of the contents of this site is prohibited without the prior consent of the Organization.

When a user posts information on this site, the user agrees to the rights under copyright law (including the right of sublicensing from the Organization to a third party) to reproduce, publicly transmit, distribute, sell, translate/adapt, lend, and provide the posted information to the Organization without compensation. The User shall not exercise moral rights against the Organization.

Article 6 Prohibitions

The User of the Site shall not engage in the following:

    1. 1. Submitting false registration information during member registration.
    2. 2. Acts that interfere with the operation of the Service provided by the Organization, acts that interfere with the Service provided, or acts that may result in such acts.
    3. 3. Fraudulent use of the Service provided by the Organization, such as unapproved use of a credit card, etc.
    4. 4. Unauthorized use of User IDs and passwords.
    5. 5. Actions that cause or may cause annoyance, disadvantage, or damage to other users, third parties, or the Organization.
    6. 6. Actions that infringe or may infringe the copyright, privacy, or other rights of other users, third parties, or the Organization.
    7. 7. Actions that are or may be offensive to public order and morals, or that violate other laws and regulations.
    8. 8. Other acts that the Organization deems inappropriate.

Article 7 Disclaimer

The Organization does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided by the Service. The Organization shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by the User or any third party as a result of such information.

The Organization shall not be liable for any damages arising from the User's inability to use this site.

The Organization is not responsible for any loss or damage arising out of the use of the Service or the information contained therein. The Organization is not responsible for the availability of the linked sites or resources.

The Organization shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by the User as a result of any of the following events:

    1. 1. Damages caused by natural disasters, war, riots, government orders, fire, or suspension of services provided by the accommodation facilities
    2. 2. Food poisoning
    3. 3. Damage caused by the User’s own willful misconduct or negligence
    4. 4. Damage caused by any other reason beyond the control of the Organization or its agents.

Article 8 Notification

The Organization will notify the User of necessary information from time to time by posting on the Organization's website, email, or other means.

Article 9. Modification and Revision of Terms and Conditions

The Organization may change the Terms of Use without the consent of the User, and the User shall consent to such changes or revisions in advance.

Article 10 Change, Suspension, or Discontinuance of the Service

The Organization may change the Service without prior notice to the User. The Organization may also suspend or discontinue the Service without prior notice.

The Organization shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by the User or any third party as a result of the modification, suspension, or discontinuation of the Service.

Article 11 Miscellaneous

In the event that a User violates these Terms of Use or uses the Service in an illegal manner and causes damage to the Organization, the Organization may claim compensation from the User.